Things that made me laugh last week...

This is from SNL and Justin Timberlake is hilarious!


Wanda Sykes came out--- Good for her!

My brother sent these to me and they had me laughing for a couple of hours. Google this guys name and all kinds of things come up. These are clips of this CRAZY weatherman in NC. He eventually got fired and went to rehab but he's soooo funny!

Ladies & Gentleman.. Mark Mathis....

My brother knows I crack up when people laugh. So, I'm not laughing at the fall I'm laughing at the newscaster.

I was laughing so hard and I don't even understand what language they are speaking.


Leigh of Tales from Bloggeritaville said...

Oh, I have busted a gut this morning laughing! I LOVEd these. Oh, I am going to have to go change my pants (being middle ages and a mother of three is not good for laughing hard, if you know what I'm saying)
This was great!

SitDownKaren said...

I'm glad you laughed! I was bustin too when I got the email. I love stuff like this...

They Rock!

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Telluride, Colorado, United States
Trying to balance my busy days with my slow days. Blogging clears my head so I'm ready for the busy days.