My generation...

WOW! How proud I'am of my country. I want to thank my generation for the change that happened last night. We now look past color, creed, gender and sexual orientation.

In American it is deeply divided by age. The older population alive before the civil rights movement still are very much racist, sexist and a large portion of the south still think this way. My generation does not care about anything but co existing with others, trying to make this world a better place and individuality.

I have people in my family that are very racist and still thinks Obama is a Muslim terrorist. I have to say I'm ashamed because they do not treat people fairly and rush to judgement. That's OK because my husband and I raise our child differently and we teach her to love everyone no matter what they look like.

You see, we are a bi racial couple. I'm a Swedish/Irish white women and my husband is a Hispanic man.

This is why I cried last night, at this historic moment, it means my daughter and her children will live in this loving world without barriers. To that, I'm so grateful for those of you who voted for change.


RandomlyAccessedMemories said...

The same sentiment is held by many people here. The French are taking this as a shining example, and the British are chapioning the breakdown of the racial wall. It is high time we looked past these petty things that have divided people for centuries.

SitDownKaren said...

I couldn't agree with you more! Now we can look at the hope and possibilities ahead. It really says something to me when it seemed like the whole world was celebrating his victory. I really felt as we were all one being on Tuesday-beautiful!

Leigh of Tales from Bloggeritaville said...

I think no matter of political lines, that we should all embrace the change. It is a great day that a black man finally became president. It gives people hope, that anyone can do naything that they put their mind to and beleive in.

SitDownKaren said...

Leigh- I totally agree and I will have to pick up his book I've heard wonderful things about it. It talks about hope...

Mike and Tammy said...

I personally didn't vote for Obama, but I really hope that he can bring positive changes to this country. I also think it is great that because of this election, racial lines have significantly blurred even more, and my hope is that one day they can be erased forever.

Tammy said...

By the way...

Where did you get your background for your blog? It's fantastic!

SitDownKaren said...

Me too. Now all we need is a women and we will be great! I got it at designer blog layouts. We went to NM this summer to Angel Fire it was beautiful.

They Rock!

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Telluride, Colorado, United States
Trying to balance my busy days with my slow days. Blogging clears my head so I'm ready for the busy days.