Changes to me...

I've all but abandoned my blogher but now I'm gonna use it wisely. I've gained a whole lotta weight and I don't want to get shot and stuffed for Thanksgiving. So, I decided to use my blogher account as accounting for the food I eat and exercise I do.



I think my butt region is declaring war on the rest of my body and is the size of CANADA! The main thing is I get winded easier than I ever did. It's not good I'm fairly active and I gotta shape it up.

On another note....

*Rush Limbough called Obama a thug. I wonder if he calls his illegal drug dealer that too.

*I'm obsessed with HGTV and demand to bring back Homes Across America- Joe Riggerio where did you go?

*Hunting for a job is harder than having a 10-hour-a-day-job.

*I cannot believe a Mormon traveled all the way to my doorstep. WOW that's dedication! I gave him water.

*My friend is going through a divorce and I can't help her :(


Leigh of Tales from Bloggeritaville said...

YOU sooooo are not fat! That s crazy.
Good lcuk on the job hunt

friend- pray for her and send her cards of encouragment. Sometimes just knowing one is there is enough.

SitDownKaren said...

Thanks! That's a great idea- a card and my shoulder, that's what I gave her.

They Rock!

About Me

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Telluride, Colorado, United States
Trying to balance my busy days with my slow days. Blogging clears my head so I'm ready for the busy days.