Jeans are mean

I woke up this morning, got in the shower and hurry, hurried out the door. In my rush to get everybody everywhere I had grabbed a pair of jeans off the folding table thinking they were mine. As I was driving and drinking my cappuccino my snug jeans were not so snug.

As I looked down, I noticed instead of my jeans being tight around my hips they were baggy and the denim was darker. What the (still in the eye crusted state of morning)heck?


OK, the weird thing... they felt really good. Unlike my arse huggin "designer" jeans these had a nice texture and the lines were flattering. When I got out of my car I had to roll them up at the waist but other than that--- they were perfect!

Several things ran through my mind at this point.
*Did I get fatter?
*Did I grow, like a foot??
*Is this a metaphor for our relationship???
*Being a woman sucks!

Than I snapped back into reality and thought these were his favorites too and I didn't want to wash them again. So, when I got back home I took them off, folded them, sighed a little and put my sweats on (hey, it's Saturday!).

I've come to the conclusion that men definitely have it better than women...


They Rock!

About Me

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Telluride, Colorado, United States
Trying to balance my busy days with my slow days. Blogging clears my head so I'm ready for the busy days.