We drove almost 6 hours to my hometown to spend Thanksgiving with the family. I ate myself into a Turkey coma, watched the Macy's parade, b.s'ed with various family members (some drunk, some not) and we drove around to look at how much the town has changed.

Verdict? Not much.

Same thing goes with my Uncles, Aunts and Cousins. You know what I'm talking about, everyone has at least one crazy Aunt, drunk Uncle, cousin that tries to bullsh** you into a pyramid scheme and you can't forget about grandma who talks about nothing but her current health crisis. Add a bunch of racist and that makes up my side but I love them and are thankful for what they bring to my life.

Of course it does say something that we live almost a state away from all this madness. I can take it for the Holidays and over the phone but, when I lived there it was too much to handle some times. They fight about little things and talk smack behind each others backs. The fun time started when listening to my crazy Aunts thoughts about the current economic crisis. It was G-R-E-A-T!!

She is convinced if Wayne Newton is in Obama's cabinet he will bring economic stability (because he owns a ranch in Vegas and has property over the world he knows how to handle money) and new ideals on how to stop the war. Her proof? Mr. Newton would make peace by singing for the UN and terrorist organizations. He does it for the troops so apparently his voice and performance would woo them?

I LOVE her!!!

Here is part of our trip back home through the Blue Mesa Reservoir (biggest in Colorado) and now that we are back I'm gonna go do laundry--- ya fun!

I hope you had a great Thanksgiving.


Unknown said...

Happy late Thanksgiving to you too!!! Yours sounded way more eventful then mine, as I was working and just enjoying my hubbs' company.

Hope all is well where you are!!!

SitDownKaren said...

Ya, it's nice and snowy then it will be sunny. Perfect combo for skiing!! Not as awesome as the sun and surf your getting!

That's the best way to spend the holiday, in the company you love!

They Rock!

About Me

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Telluride, Colorado, United States
Trying to balance my busy days with my slow days. Blogging clears my head so I'm ready for the busy days.